Getting Started with RunUp


You need to have a supported Python version installed on a supported operative system.

  • Supported OS: Linux, Windows, MacOS
  • Supported Python versions: 3.7, 3.8, 3.9


You can install RunUp from PyPi via PIP with the command:

python3 -m pip install runup

Basic Example

Here we are going to see a basic example to backup all the files in a directory.

Basic Setup

To configure RunUp you need to create a file named runup.yaml or runup.yml. For the simplest configuration, put the code below in the file and place it in the directory containing all the files you want to backup.

version: '1'

      - '.'

Once you have created the config file, you have to initalize RunUp by executing the following command in the same directory:

runup init

For details about the meaning of each part of the YAML file and for more advanced setup options visit the Setup section.

Creating a backup

You can create a new backup by simply executing the following command in the directory where the config file is located:

runup backup

To see more options visit the Create Backup section.

Restoring a backup

You can restore the latest by executing the following command from the directory containing the config file:

runup restore

For more options go to the Restore Backup section.


Backup automation

Automating the backup creation is as simple as creating an schedule for the execution of the runup backup command. You can do that on Linux and MacOS with Crontab, for Windows you will need to make use of the Task Scheduler.

How to use the Crontab tool and the Task Scheduler is out of the scope of this documentation but is not so hard to find tutorials on that topic with a simple web search.

Saving you backup on the cloud

Normally, it is a good idea save a few copies of your backups on different platforms or devices instead of just keeping it local. If you just keep it local and the device fail, well that backup won't be very usefull.

There are many tools syncronize your backups on the cloud but one that we have used and recommend is RClone. It is a completetly different tool and it has its own documentation.